Welcome to the Perspective Risk Blog

Welcome to the Perspective Risk Blog

The Perspective Risk blog has been created to provide information security resources to the penetration testing community and customers alike.

We will endeavour not to swamp you with corporate information but from time to time and where we believe we have something of value to say we will post it here.

One aspect of the blog is to chart the progress of one of our graduates, Dave, and he will be making regular posts on vulnerabilities, pen testing techniques and research he is encountering throughout his assessments. Although Dave does not have a background in IT security this is in no way going to reflect the posted content as Dave is already on his way to be becoming a first class penetration tester.

Not to be left out, other members of the Perspective Risk team will be making regular posts on a range of security topics that interest them and that we believe will be of value. Feel free to drop by and check out our latest musings, vulnerability statistics and research and please email any of the team if we can help further.

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Welcome to the Perspective Risk Blog

Welcome to the Perspective Risk Blog

The Perspective Risk blog has been created to provide information security resources to the penetrat...